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The U.S. Presidential Election Prediction & Thoughts

I have a prediction for the U.S. Presidential election. The energy of the will of the people is now moving forward as voting has begun.

Kamala Harris/Tim Walz will win. Pockets of MAGA violence will happen. I believe FL and TX will flip blue. I see 3 states having trouble finalizing their results.

The real problem is that Donald Trump’s loyal followers will believe, as he has trained them to, that there is NO WAY the democratic ticket could have won by as much as they did, or won at all. There will be lots of intentional confusion about what to believe.

The very idea that they are trained to believe the election results IF HE WINS but not if he loses, represents how very strange are the times we are in. But they will believe even more that it has been stolen and the more harmful idea that Harris/Walz represent a government takeover of their lives.

What worries me most of all is the possibility of other insurrection-ish type movements in large, democratic cities where innocent lives may be lost. I think there is some pain that is unfortunately unavoidable.

On a Spiritual level, I believe that there are many reincarnated souls from the previous American conflicts of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights movement. These would be people who “lost” and could not accept defeat. Until they align with love, harmony, equality, and justice, and not superiority, power, wealth, and division, they will continue to repeat this lesson.

I realize that some of you may be disappointed by my prediction. Some of you may be comforted. The bottom line is that FEAR is never a good vibration to hold onto.

Today I did a past-life hypnotic regression while in class (where I am learning to facilitate these sessions for clients). In my own regression, what I needed to learn more about was WHY some people are so oblivious to very real and apparent danger, why they cannot see in real time the truth of what is happening, and how so many have been able to simply not care about what is happening around them. It is astonishing to me how many people simply do not care enough to tune into what is happening at least in their immediate vicinity (i.e. city, state, nation).

I was taken back to two different past-lives where I had tried to warn people of immediate and impending danger to their lives…one was a life close to Mount Vesuvius where I had “known” that we needed to evacuate and flee but my family would not listen, thinking that I was crazy. I felt too much loyalty to my family to leave without them and so I stayed, ultimately walking into the sea for safety but finding that the water was boiling hot. From my elevated perspective under hypnosis, I describe the scene as “hell on Earth.” In another life, I was again in ancient times with a group of young men (servants who had been conscripted to fight) who were being marched into the sea. Rather than fight back at the fate that was certain death, my fellow prisoners simply accepted that they could not resist and walked to their deaths as I was unable to convince them that together we might be able to resist and save ourselves. I did try to fight back and run away, but was shot with an arrow right in my lung. Again, from my position floating above the scene, I was FURIOUS that a simple decision to at least try to save ourselves couldn’t be made.

I learned that my job in all of this is simply to state the warning, to get the truth out, and to attempt to help those who might wish to receive that help.

We are in a pickle guys.

Ultimately we will be alright, but there is already a soft civil war happening in the hearts and minds of many.

There are people who cannot allow themselves to see the truth. There are big soul lessons to learn, and what I want to do is to pray for that to happen this time. We obviously must go through it, and the only way to get the lesson is to grit our teeth, hold each other close, and move through it.

Unconditional love is the objective.

Human beings are not “illegal.”

The Earth, nor any territory on Earth, was not created to “belong” to anyone.

Connection and oneness with each other is the goal.

Ultimately, the realization of and respect of each other’s humanity and sacredness as a soul/child of God is how we stop all this madness and earthly suffering.

Whatever happens here, try to vibrate higher. Try to embrace each other with love. Send Light to those who are confused and suffering. Detach yourself from the outcome - meaning, offer love and truth, and allow the learning to happen. Souls have FREE WILL. They can hold on to false beliefs and fears for as long as they wish. We can offer love and strength but they must do the big work themselves.

This is about more than liberalism, fiscal conservatism, government spending, the economy, or political ideology. This is about recognizing the humanity and the presence of God or Light in everyone.

My lesson in this is to just hold the Light, hold the vibration, offer love and acceptance, and keep myself as safe as possible.

*No hate allowed in the comments as I will be monitoring and deleting.

Let me know if you have any helpful thoughts or suggestions to add. ❤️🙏🏻🫶🏻💥

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