Starting my year reading this book.
2024 was about acceptance for me, and about making peace with what *is*.
I have a few goals this year. To me, this year feels like a time for action.
I’m gonna start with the goal of decluttering. I’ve made it super simple to achieve and designed it with the idea of making a habit of thinking about what I actually need versus what I don’t. I have pledged to myself that I will get rid of one THING per day. That’s measurable and I should be pretty successful! I’m even going to keep a list. 365 things by year’s end.
I am also going to start a YouTube channel. This one will be harder, and I hope the universe and my spirit guides send me some people who know what’s up and how to do this. For the last couple of months I’ve been surveying others and seeing what I like and don’t like. From this, I’ve decided that the key to success for me is simplicity and just being my authentic self. I need to make a space for filming myself in my house maybe, and maybe start a list of what I want to cover. My goal is to teach Spirituality and reduce fear for people. We’ve got to dig into spreading love, not hate.
But, as a human, even I can get into my own head and sabotage myself if I go to far down that “I can’t do it” or “No one will ever see me” rabbit hole. So I’m reading this book for a bit of human brain confidence that yes, I am ethical, smart, and capable and I can do the most good talking to a wider audience.
Also, I want to teach a class. MANY of you have literally begged me to start teaching and I think I’m ready. It is always about finding the time slot that works and Spirit has basically said just do it. I’m looking at Wednesday or Thursday evenings at this moment. It’ll start this month or in February. More details soon.
Earn my certification in past life regression hypnosis. I’ve already finished the classes and done some regressions for practice, but I’ve got approximately 7 months left to get my certification and I’ve got to get on with it.
And finally, I want to launch an email list. If you want to be included on this email list, please let me know by commenting here or sending me an email at - this email list has lots of possibilities but at a minimum it’ll be used to let people know of upcoming availability for sessions, and classes, and maybe even really cool stories I want to pass along.
Extra Credit: Spirit has given me an idea for a pretty massive project - a non-profit - whose purpose would be to take care of emergency services personnel in a healing way. There are no real supports built in to help our EMS, Fire, Police, hospital staff, etc. who see so much and are involved in so much in their line of work. I know that God sends very special people into those roles & situations specifically for their ability to help and their innate desire to help, but we must start helping the helpers. Many of you know that I have about 15 years of experience working in an ER, and I do that 2 days a week still. So, I have a BIG vision. For now I’m calling it The Healing Lodge. I know that the quicker I sketch out my dream, the quicker I can begin raising money for it. So I have to get that done.
Seems like a big year ahead!
Tell me, what goals or visions do you have for this year??🤞