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Back into the trenches I go!

A recent post from my Facebook page:

One session done and one to go today! Then off to the ER for a short “princess” shift of 4 hours.

I’ll give you guys an update. Many of you know, if you’ve had a session with me, that I kind of grew up (professionally) in the ER - a huge trauma center ER where I saw all kinds of things and had the opportunity to help all kinds of people. One of the most important duties I had was to be there with the family when their family member (our patient) died. I’ve held folks on their worst days and comforted them with the words that came to me for them, and for most of that time, I had no idea I was a medium or a psychic. I just knew that I always had an internal voice speaking to me and telling me what to say or what to do or what was coming. It is easy for me to look back on it all now and say “Wow! That was a huge help to me as a medium!” but at the time, learning the ropes was difficult and challenging. Once, after an incredibly difficult shift when a baby died, I even got super angry at God and screamed in the middle of the night…WHY? WHY am I here!? This is not why I went to college! I heard very clearly “Wait for it.”

At the end of October 2020, I resigned from the ER after nearly 13 years. I was absolutely fried, and I was already certified as a medium and seeing lots of clients on my days off. I’d been burning the candle at both ends so to speak, and desperately needed a break. I needed to stop seeing myself as “Heather the ER worker” so that I could step more fully into a new definition of who I am supposed to be now. I am Heather, a medium who helps people heal when they are ready. I’ve been reading for others now professionally for nearly 4 years. It’s been quite a journey and it was absolutely worth waiting for. My time in the ER made me a unique medium who knows about allll the ways someone can die and who wasn’t afraid of people crying and sharing their grief.

After I separated from the ER, I really missed the people that I worked with, and I missed the adrenaline and the energy of that place, but I never imagined I’d go back. I cried every single day for the first month after I left. I needed to process the trauma I’d born witness to all those years, and I needed to step into my new marriage too. My wife and I wanted a fresh start. We finally had time to be together after working so many years on opposite shifts in the ER.

And we did enjoy ourselves! We’ve had time to go and do things that we wanted to do and lots of evenings together - nearly every evening for more than 2 years! It has been BLISS. 🥰

Last October, 1 year and 11 months (nearly 2 full years) after I’d clocked out of my last shift in the ER, Jennifer and I were on a cruise in the ocean with our beloved New Kids on the Block. On the 2nd night I had a dream that one of my former coworkers called me from the ER to tell me I was on the schedule for Monday. In the dream I quipped “I can’t be there Monday! I’m on a boat in the middle of the ocean!” When I awoke I told Jen about the dream. She laughed and said “Ha Babe, that was a nightmare!” 😂

Sure enough, we docked on Monday, and i received a text mid-morning from management asking me if I would return. HOLY COW.

I didn’t know what to think at first, and I needed time to make the decision, and they were both gracious and patient with me. Ultimately I asked my spirit guides for a sign. I knew they’d led me to resign so I needed to be convinced that they were now asking me to take up the trauma mantle again.

The next day after I asked for a sign, I got it. I was in traffic listening to Sirius XM radio - a news channel. A man was being interviewed about having been in the LGBTQ club in Colorado and having been shot but he was able to flee and make his way to an ambulance. As soon as he said the word ambulance, BAM, a real ambulance came whizzing by me lights and sirens blazing, towards the ER. The clock read 11:11 am. 😬🚑

So yeah. I told them I could come back PRN, which means As Needed. This gives me control over how much and how often I work so that I still have time for my clients and the other work I do.

When I tell you guys to trust in Spirit and to ask for signs, I’m not being passé. When we are uncertain, when something unexpected falls into our path, we have answers available to us! I still don’t know the why for me being back in that ER, but I know it’s for a purpose greater than I can imagine at this moment and that in time, if I wait for it, the reasons and the lessons will be revealed.

So heads up, my response time may be a little slower, but if you want to book, email me or message me!

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